Sometimes procrastination is caused by excessive demands … made by yourself on yourself! And our frequent ‘must-win’ attitude actually makes us hit the brakes.

Underneath our seemingly positive attitude of winning is the knowledge that there are no guarantees of that positive outcome.

And if we must-win but know we may not, procrastination creeps in to prevent a possible loss.

We can only move forward when we break that deadlock by force of action or shift of attitude.

If you procrastinate “a lot”, it may because you have a must-win attitude. (And if you’re in sales it’s likely you do have that attitude at some level.)

Action – So, let me ask you…. how’s that working for you?

Success and achievement aren’t about winning. They happen when you commit to taking persistent, consistent actions over time.

Sometimes you get the so-called win, sometimes you don’t.

A must-win attitude is a no-win attitude.

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