Using your creative nature on a daily basis is a key characteristic of success. Unfortunately most people either think they aren’t creative at all or they simply don’t set aside the few minutes it takes to generate their creative juices.

As it relates to business, when I say ‘creativity’, I’m not talking about painting or sculptures or interior design. Rather, I’m referring to utilizing the area of our brain that is masterful at connecting seemingly separate objects or creating unique solutions to short and long term problems.

When we don’t use our creativity, we end up using often outdated systems to get through our day. We start our work by checking email and voicemail, then we constantly refer to our unending to-do list to guide us while we hang out with the same people gossiping or bitching about the same stuff.

Action – When boosting creativity, for ourselves or our team, there are 3 things to remember.

1. Face your fears of success, failure, ridicule or whatever they may be. We all have them, so get over it!

2. Work through outside criticisms. Not everyone will like your ideas and everyone gets criticized. Again, move on!

3. Take breaks. Whether through daydreaming or napping, take some time away from the task at hand without engaging in another.

Creativity is more than paint or clay. And it is something we can all develop with practice.

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