If you expect someone to fail, chances are, it will happen.

Why? For two simple reasons –

First, you will look for behaviors to confirm your expectation. So, Bob may positively impact team objectives on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, but if he screws up on Thursday, you’ll notice it!

And second, Bob may subconsciously conform to your expectations of him. Many studies repeatedly show that people live up to or down to the expectations of significant people around them. In fact, research indicates people are twice as likely to live to the expectation than not.

– So, when you expect something, make it unequivocally positive. Expect Bob to meet or exceed goals, even when his previous performance may be a bit shaky. Expect him to overcome the challenges. And let him know through your actions, attitudes and words what your positive expectations are.

Remember, people rise or fall if we expect them to.

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