Your outer world corresponds with your inner world. You cannot have a messy desk, filthy car and disorganized Daytimer while convincing others – and yourself – that you are in control and on the path to success.
The Law of Correspondence is simple and fundamental. What goes on outside is going on inside.
What is the impression you get of someone who is untidy or all over the place? You probably question their ability to handle your requests or manage your outcomes.
So why then would you expect others to hold you in high regard if your outside world is a mess? What’s more, YOU feel the lack of congruence between what you hope to achieve internally and what you are creating externally.
Fortunately, there’s no need to navel gaze or dissect your mental processes in order to change this. The Law of Correspondence happens to work in reverse too!
Action – Clean up your desk, tidy the car and organize your schedule. Get rid of any extraneous or useless schtuff from the world around you. Fix the broken shelf, rearrange some furniture, clear out the drawers.
Focus on maintaining a clear external environment and you will find yourself having clarity and calm in your inner world too.