You’re stressed out and frustration. And more and more research points out the prevalence and results of work-related stress.
Unless you’ve been living in a house made by cavemen, I would imagine you already know several stress-reducing techniques. But are you doing them?
Action – Maybe these will help you:
- Find an ally to whom you can offload when necessary but get their permission first and cap the time frame to no more than 10 minutes.
- If you’re beginning to boil over during a meeting or conversation, take a break, even if its to hibernate in the rest room for a moment or two.
- Finish something, anything! Complete a draft email, sign off a few forms, tidy up your desk top. A simple 10 minute task can help you refocus or help you catch your breath.
- Walk the halls of the office for a few minutes simply counting your steps from 1 to 10 and then down from 10-1 and then start again. If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to your walking and counting.
- Give yourself a hand or neck massage.
The roots of your stressors may be long and tangled and in need of some attention. In the meantime, these methods are very effective for calming the mind body and spirit quickly.