I recently celebrated another birthday. When friends and family asked what I wanted for my birthday, my answer was quick and simple.
Games, puzzles, conundrums, cards, Slinkies, Play-Doh – Yup, toys!
Why would this seemingly well grounded, confident woman want a bunch of toys?
Because I know the value fun and play bring to an adult’s mind.
There are stacks of research evidence that clearly demonstrates play reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, promotes lateral thinking and creative problem solving, particularly games that are hands-on instead of computer-based. Play often goes hand in hand with laughter and feelings of pleasure.
Group games and activities provide opportunities to improve communication and listening skills, stimulate debates and even help us deal with conflict management.
Action – Buy, borrow or dig out some of your favorite games. Get family and friends together for regular evenings of playtime.
You’re never too old for fun!