I’m starting a new mini-series today. This is the first installment of ‘Stress Busters’.

Unmanaged stress is behind some of our most prevalent illnesses. Heart disease, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, alcoholism, strokes, high blood pressure – all of these are related to stress. In fact, recent research indicates that anywhere from 60 to 90% of ALL illness is stress-related.

However, stress IS a part of our everyday life. Optimal stress gets you out of bed in the morning and helps you take actions toward your goals. It is a good thing.

But when it becomes destructive stress, particularly if chronic, we are lining ourselves up for a fall, sometimes quite literally!

So this Stress Busters mini-series, which will appear randomly, shares tips and ideas for reducing chronic destructive stress.

Action – But the first thing to do is allow yourself time to relax.

Most of us think someone who relaxes daily is actually lazy. We think they can’t have the foggiest idea of how much work needs to be done or the things that must be worried about.


What many people don’t understand is relaxation doubles and even triples our future energy levels. So for every 10 minutes you TRULY give yourself for relaxation and stress-busting, you are actually creating 20 or 30 minutes of banked up energy you currently don’t have.

Now, that’s cool!

But if you choose NOT to give yourself permission to live without chronic stress, all the techniques in the world can’t save you!

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