The poet Lawrence Durrell once said ‘music is only love looking for words.’
Taking that idea in another direction, I say that your state of overwhelm is anxiety looking for acceptance.
Your doubt is loneliness looking for acceptance.
And your anger is fear looking for acceptance.
Durrell was pointing out a very positive relationship between one thing and another. But connections also exist among negative thoughts and feelings and they can easily hide each other. And most of our negative emotions come from our inability to accept the underlying states of fear, loneliness and anxiety.
Action – When you feel a negative emotion, ask yourself what lies beneath. (Keep going until you find the root cause.) Then ask – if this is true for me, am I willing to accept its existence?
Even if it’s ugly, the moment you accept a truth, you create amazing opportunities.
Wow, Nancy!
More on this, please!
I agree with George, I would like to hear more on how to deal with negative emotions OR negative feedback. I think there are some in the business community that feel that Negative Feedback gets positive results. I personally would prefer to get positive feedback with a touch corrective feedback any day.
Hi Virginia, Hi George
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