Not too long ago, I took a few days off.

And when I say I took a few days off, I mean from everything – including my family.

I had allowed myself to get over-booked, to agree to impossible deadlines and at the same time, I didn’t allow myself to back off from any responsibility as a wife and step-mother. As for taking care of my own needs, that flew out the window.

I checked myself into a great hotel for a few days and used my credit card for room service. It was fabulous! And it worked! I felt totally rejuvenated.

Do you recognize your own need to recharge in some way? Which of your tanks is running dry? – physical, emotional, spiritual? … maybe all of them?

Action – Give yourself permission to stop and fill them back up again. If you’ve got nothin’ to run on, how do you expect yourself to keep runnin’?!

11 Responses

  1. It is always good to be reminded to care for one’s self. In order to properly care for others, you need a healthy starting place.

  2. Absolutely Thrilled at Idea of rejuvenating myself for benefit of keeping all things in harmony (physical, emotional, spiritual …. ).Short holidays taken individually makes difference

  3. I’ve been always trying to include wife and step-son on everything… it sounds so clever and obvious to give myself some time by my own, and even though it has never actually crossed my mind.

    Thanks for the reminder!!!

  4. I seriously just got an ‘on this day’ reminder from facebook – a post from Brene Brown which was a quote from the book The Perks of Being a Wallflower – “You can’t just sit there and put everyone’s life ahead of yours and think that counts as love.” That, plus this, puts me in the perfect place to go on my vacation tomorrow!!

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