How do you feed your brain?

I’m talking about more than just salmon, broccoli or apples. Brain food is also what you expose it to – your brain always responds to the mental nutrition you give it as well as the physical.

Give you brain too much routine and it will be bored. So throw it a curve occasionally. Use your computer mouse with your left hand instead of your right or vice versa. Drive on different roads to get to work or try a new recreational activity.

If you want to focus on the positive things around you, then hang out with positive people, stay away from the news and read inspiring books. If you constantly fill your brain with negatives, then it will focus on negatives.

Action – Do one thing differently today. And laugh 10% more often.

Yes, you are what you eat. But you’re also what you think about.

6 Responses

  1. One is most definitely affected by everything that surrounds him/her; the food we eat, the people we spend time with and the activities we do.

    Excellent points in today’s message.!!

  2. Nice topic very motivational to increase productivity by thinking positive.
    Our thinking, surrounding people and our goal all effects. So we should always think positive for being our life happy and tension free.

  3. Very interesting and makes sense. We must try different things to stilumlate our brains and ourselves.


  4. It’s so fitting to see this message today, when I’m off from work for a week to perform a musical with the amateur company that I am a part of. Being away from the daily routine to go off and emerging myself in a completely different world always brings such joy and recharges the batteries. Aditionally I would argue that my brain also benefits from this change of environment.

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