The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. If that is the case, what do the friends around you tell you about yourself?

Bob was telling me that many of his friends and colleagues were pessimists or nay-sayers. As I shared with him the principles of the Law of Attraction, not only did a light go on but it actually exploded!

Bob immediately saw himself in his friends. He had been acting quite pessimistic, negative and whining. They were simply reflecting his behavior.

This was a fantastic awareness for him and he ran with it. By consciously changing his outlook and ways of communicating, others around him began to change too. And the relationship changed significantly with those who continued to stay negative.

Action – Are those around you positive or down and dull? What do you need to learn from that? Maybe, like Bob, it’s time for you to get a new attitude.

Or maybe, because all those around you are actually quite uplifting, it’s time to truly own your positive nature and your optimistic way of being.

By being more conscious to what and who you attract into your life, you can learn exactly how to create what you want.

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