Do you ever feel like something is missing, that you haven’t achieved your full potential or there’s a big gap between where you are and where you want to be?

It may be that you are living down to the expectations of others. Now is the time to listen to your authentic voice and step up to your life.

Here are just a few signs of what happens when we live down to the expectations of others: We….

  1. Have difficulty making decisions
  2. Get caught up in other people’s problems or gossip
  3. Take on the moods of those around us
  4. Feel envious
  5. Regularly refer to others for input in decisions, actions, activities
  6. Often feel sad or angry with ourselves or others
  7. Avoid people, particularly those close to us
  8. Feel like we ‘never’ get to do what we would like to do
  9. Rarely spend time on our own

In order to step up to your life, the process must begin by having boundaries between yourself and “toxic people” – the nay-sayers and gossipers who often wield the biggest external negative voices in our lives.

Action – Self-protection is a choice. Remember, if you don’t make choices for yourself, I guarantee you someone will make them for you! Which would you prefer?

Decide what behaviors you will not accept from others. And then make a plan to communicate that decision to the negative people in your life.

Live up to the expectations you set for yourself. Don’t let others bring you down.

(If you agree, disagree or otherwise have a thought or experience related to any of the postings on my site, I’d love to hear from you. Simply reply by using the comments box. Thanks!)

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