Success is not the key to happiness. In fact, it is actually the other way around!
Happiness is the key to success.
And the thing to remember about happiness is that it is a choice, not a result.
So if you are looking for happiness through acquiring money, toys or status, you are barking up the wrong tree.
I know people, as I’m sure you do, who have little material wealth, yet they are exceptionally successful because they are happy, regardless of what they may or may not have. Their measure of success does not come from what they have or do, but comes from who they are choosing to be. And they are choosing to be happy.
Does that mean they don’t have problems and troubles? Of course not. But there is always an air and attitude of happiness around them.
So who are you choosing to be these days? Are you proud of who you are and how you contribute to the world? Have you been living with integrity and following your own standards of behavior each day?
If not, I would imagine you find it difficult to feel happiness. Even if money landed in your lap, or you got some huge promotion, momentary glee would quickly fade if you were not being the person you wanted to be.
Action – Write at least one paragraph describing the person you are and want to be. What choices are you ready to make?
Happiness doesn’t come from what you have or do. It comes from who you are choosing to be.
(Agree, disagree or just don’t know? Leave your comments in the box provided!)
Beautifully stated! And so true! Thanks Nancy.