What are we doing here? What is the reason for our existence? These questions have been asked by philosophers, theologians, scientists and John Q Public for ages.
Most of us know we have something special to give, some purpose to explain our presence here. So, we set out on this journey of discovery where the destination will be a complete awakening to our life’s purpose.
But most of us never actually get there! After a few years of apparently unsuccessful searching, we resign ourselves to a perceived mediocre, make-the-best-of-it existence.
There’s no doubt that those we live their vision are happy and joyful. They have found the path to their life purpose and are living it. Good on ‘em!
Action – But what about the rest of us who haven’t quite figured it all our or who gave up on finding that elusive purpose long ago? Well, it’s actually quite easy to live a life of purpose. It’s about asking yourself the right question.
“What is my life purpose … today!?”
This simple question sends your mind back out onto its quest. But it downsizes the suitcase!
If you aren’t sure about your whole life’s purpose, focus only on identifying TODAY’S purpose. Then, go out and live it consciously and intentionally.
In time, you may find the short journey helps you discover a whole new world of purpose.