You may have been hearing a lot recently about the ‘Law of Attraction’. Although a very scientifically based principle, it’s fast becoming a real buzz-phrase in the world of personal and professional development.
That’s because it works.
Fundamentally, the Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. You get what you put your focus and attention on, whether wanted or not. That is why focusing on not having enough time, money or energy means you continue to not have enough time, money or energy!
So focus on what you want in life.
Where people get confused with the Law of Attraction though is in thinking they can simply visualize or dream about a desired outcome and then sit around wishing and waiting for it to ring the doorbell. Well, the law is powerful, but not that powerful!
You cannot simply wait for things to show up. You must act on your desired outcome in some way.
And there is a wonderfully simple and powerful way to do that. Imagine what you want already exists – literally and physically – somewhere in the universe. Your job then is to set about looking for it as if you absolutely knew you would find it.
The revelation of knowing generates a completely different attitude of deliberate and intentional action. It creates a sense of trust and confidence in your own abilities. It is like your peripheral vision becoming very clear and focused.
Action – Think of a particular goal you are working toward these days. What actions would you take today if you absolutely knew, without doubt, that the achievement of that goal is simply around the corner?
Take those actions and bring yourself closer to what already exists.
(Agree, disagree or is this a bit woo-woo? Please share your thoughts using the comments box.)