There’s an old saying that whatever you focus on grows.

This means all the illusions in your life – the good, bad and ugly – thrive on the attention you give them.

On one hand, when you are focused on what isn’t working, more things will stop working.

When you spend time thinking about what you can’t buy because you have no money, you will have even less money.

When you think about how bad you are at public speaking, you will get even worse.

But on the other hand, as you dwell in the positive abundance of your life, more will come to you.

As you keep your attention on what is working today, more will work tomorrow.

As you focus on how simple things really are, the more simple they become.

What you believe, you create.

Remember, whatever you are focusing on grows. With all this in mind, which thoughts are you going to keep and which are you going to get rid of?

Action – For the next 24 hours, keep track of what you seem to be thinking. Carry a little notebook with you and jot down the good, bad and ugly thoughts you are having. You won’t catch them all as our minds are very fast, but write down as much as you can.

As you bring consciousness to those thoughts, and clarity by actually writing them out, you will see exactly what is supportive and what needs to hit the garbage can!

(Before you even begin this exercise, what thoughts do you think need to be thrown out of your life? Please share by replying in the comments box.)

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