The 800 lb grizzly in the room today is that thing you are avoiding. And every time you try to sneak past, he gains another 10 pounds!

We all have these grizzlys. Ignoring or avoiding things because of fear or uncertainty will simply make the situation worse.

Successful people understand this and actually seek out their grizzlys, scratch their ears and invite them to sit at the desk.

Do they go away permanently? Do our fears simply stop? Rarely, but I’d rather have a manageable teddy romping around the place than an oversized predator charging across the room!

Action – Write out a description of the thing you are ignoring or avoiding. Maybe it is the fear of failure, a relationship gone sour, or admitting that you aren’t as confident as you appear.

Then set goals to help you actively shrink that bear.

As writer Aldous Huxley said “facts do not cease to exist simply because they are ignored.”

(If you are hesitant to do this exercise, what do you think might happen? Please share by leaving your reply in the comments box.)

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