Happiness is not found in the fancy car you drive, the prestigious job you have or even the relationships you are in.

Happiness is a state of mind.

And we open ourselves to the state of happiness as we pursue and achieve the expression of our values.

You’ve heard it before – and undoubtedly will again – that understanding and living your values is true happiness.

I recently worked with a well-known “successful executive” … who was miserable! He had all the trappings of material success but felt none of it. He had gotten himself wound into a path that had been dictated by what had been expected of him, what he thought he “should” do. And it was so draining, even the very positive aspects of his life, like his marriage, felt incomplete. He had lost sight of his values in the day to day of business.

Through some self-awareness and acceptance, he now lives a simple, peaceful, rewarding life, still with financial security and social respect but without many of the negatives that had been in his life before.

Action – What do you stand for? Integrity, social justice, learning? How about creative expression, fairness, honor? Whatever it happens to be, these are your core values.

If you’re not sure, ask yourself this question – what do I feel unable to express in my life. Or you can ask this – what do I want to contribute to the world around me. Shoot for one-word answers.

When you express your values, you express true happiness.

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