If you don’t like yourself, you’ll never be comfortable anywhere. No matter what you DO you will not feel peaceful and fulfilled until you can be with yourself completely and lovingly.
I know that’s a big statement to make but many folks just don’t like themselves very much. If they did, why do they talk so negatively about themselves?
As the saying goes – if we spoke to our friends the way we speak to ourselves, we’d have no friends!
What’s not to like about you? What is so horrid or distasteful you don’t deserve your own admiration?
Sure, you may tell lies occasionally. Or perhaps you sometimes gossip. Maybe there have been a few times when you’ve not delivered on your promises. So what?!
Action – Acknowledge there are aspects of you that you want to improve.
Without self-love, none of the evolution is even possible. Accept and enjoy the unique and wonderful person you are.