There is much talk these days about living in the present moment. The irony is that it’s not possible to live in the present moment if we are constantly trying to make things better. Because, if you were truly living in the moment, nothing would need improving.

Being in the moment is about appreciating everything as it is right now, this second. It is about gratitude, peace and complete acceptance for the way things are.

Outside of the present moment is dissatisfaction, flaws and discomfort.

Remember the last time when you truly connected to the moment and you had nothing and no one to change or improve. This is not black or white but a continuous ebb and flow.

Action – So, cut yourself some slack, stop always looking for things to make better. Pause, breathe in the moment and then let it go for a while as you continue to work on your goals.

Now never needs to be better. It simply is.

13 Responses

  1. This might be my favorite message yet!! I absolutely love it. Thanks so much for the inspiring words.

    1. Be sure to print off the text and keep it near. I have my own copy of this on my desk with the phrase “Now never needs to be better. It simply is.” in big bold letters.

  2. You know Nancy, today’s simple sound solution was a kind of relief. Thank you !!! I’ve already wrote my note on my desk.

  3. Good morning Nancy. I call my living in the moment “watching the grass grow”, to concentrate in the right-now. I live with dogs, their concept of time is different than ours, they have taught me to live in the moment and appreciate every minute of it, of course, not being a dog, I digress often but then I get reminded that this (moment) is it. Thank you Nancy!

  4. I have always been aware of, and also slightly uncomfortable with this contradiction. This piece seems to put the proper perspective on it – thank you, Nancy!

  5. I also have dogs and they exhibit unconditional love, they really appreciate any time you give them and they know how to relax and enjoy the moment. I could learn a lot from them, thanks for the advice to live in the moment the correct way.

  6. Hmmm a challenging one for a Monday Morning…..making things better for me doesn’t necessarily mean I’m not living in the moment, for me it means that I’m making the best of this moment given to me, regardless of the past, I’m , enjoying every moment, appreciating every moment….and I agree with the others – dogs have it figured out….and kids…

  7. I am reminded of the times that I have accomplished something FABULOUS, and I KNEW it was fabulous, and everyone around me proclaimed it fabulous – yet, I took one step away and immediately began to second-guess my accomplishment, thinking ‘oh no, that part was terrible’ and ‘oh CRINGE that was stupid’ and on and on. Now, in the moment, it is all it ever needs to be! And on to the next one!

  8. Hi Nancy, I absolutely love this one. I love it when I hear that someone has stopped working for 5 minutes to stare out the window and they feel so renewed. I suppose that is only the case if they are thinking of good things or nothing at all.

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