We like to think we are the king of the beasts on this planet, don’t we? Perhaps we are, but what happens to those supposedly unintelligent creatures of the world when they aren’t disrupted by our thinking brains? They thrive, don’t they? Yes, animals do become extinct, but through natural selection, not human intervention.

And what happens to a forest when left to grow? It thrives too, doesn’t it? Sure, fires may destroy it but you always find a bud in the ashes.

Mother Nature has a way of sorting things out when left to her own devices, doesn’t she!?

And is the same with you and I. Excessive thinking actually contradicts our natural progression sometimes. Over-analyzing means doing just that! To devote an exhorbitant amount of time to a situation or thing.

Sometimes, the best course of action is to do nothing but listen to your intuition. What your gut says could be considered the same as what Mother Nature does when left to manage the world’s resources.

Parts of your subconscious mind are directly linked to your intuition – that strong powerful force you already tap into on a regular basis – even though you may not know it. Unfortunately, our ego-based conscious mind often tries to re-interpret and second guess what our gut already knows.

And it is in the thinking part of our brain that our limited beliefs and fears live.

Action – Some time today, you WILL feel your intuition give you an answer or solution. Go with it. Trust and let it flow.

Perhaps you have lost touch with your knowing sixth sense. Reconnect with it today and keep your brain out of it!

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