Balancing a career and family is not the hardest thing to do. It’s the second hardest, right behind climbing Everest!
But many HAVE climbed Everest, and so can you!
The key to achieving work/life balance is in understanding some fundamentals about it.
Balance comes when you know and accept YOUR priorities. What’s important to YOU, not what you think you SHOULD be capable of doing.
It’s a matter of choices and decisions. And these WILL change over time, so balance is not something you achieve, it is something you evolve.
At the same time, focusing TOO much on balance is – guess what – out of balance! Get out there and enjoy without overkill.
Just like balance in nature is under constant pressure from forces like gravity, your balance will also be tested.
Action – Focus on your priorities, make decisions about those outside forces and you too can sit on top of Everest.
This little lesson is so critical for me. I haven’t even taken time to read or listen to your 1-minute daily postings because I “haven’t had time” !!! I get so caught up in achieving, and doing that I forget about being!! And my personal life priorities fade somewhere in the background, behind work priorities. It isn’t pretty!! Thanks.