Years ago, I learned an acronym that has guided many of my personal and professional decisions. These 3 little letters play a part in my success.
I N W.
They stand for Integrity, Needs, and Wants. For me, they mean that, instead of focusing on what you want FIRST, it’s the last thing to worry about!
You see, by making your Integrity paramount and then uncovering and meeting your personal Needs, all those things you think you Want either pale in comparison or get fulfilled anyway.
I can honestly say I want for nothing in my life right now.
But it took personal awareness and a series of decisions and choices to get here.
Action – First, understand what integrity means to you. What do you stand for? What are your core values, standards and beliefs? What is your sense of morality?
Second, what needs do you have? Now, before you say you aren’t needy, be aware that we all have needs, like safety, nurturing, esteem or importance. Consciously or not, we WILL act to get these needs met, so it’s best to know what yours are and then take active steps to get them satisfied.
Third, when you honor your integrity and get your needs met, everything else is unimportant and is probably an old habit or behavior anyway.
Integrity first, needs second, wants last. INW. Those simple 3 letters can serve as your guide in creating a peaceful, focused and successful life