Does money buy time? In essence, it absolutely does!
Most of us lament that if we had more time, we could get more done. But we have only 24 hours in a day, and nothing can change that.
So how does money buy time? Well, it’s quite simple. You can find someone to do some of the tasks you don’t need to be doing. This frees you up to focus all your energy and attention on things you want to do.
One of my clients, a salesman, recently hired a private personal assistant. His new assistant handles general administration, emails, personal bookkeeping and some household matters for his wife.
Last month’s invoice for her time was just $250 and that left him with another 10 hours of time to focus on his clients.
Action – The clock itself does not change. So how you choose to get things done is what’s going to make the real difference.
Being a long time procrastinator I appreciate this message on saving time. It prompted me to look at the reasons why I avoid doing and completing tasks which have great potential for success.
Useful content,let me know how to reasonably, to maximize the use of time.