Unresolved problems have a habit of becoming emergencies.
When left ignored, a small leak in the roof can result in the whole thing falling in. Hurt feelings left to fester can mean a destroyed relationship. Small but incessant bad work habits can lead to unemployment.
What would happen if all of your unresolved problems came to a head at the same time? How would you cope with what could be chaos and heartache?
Yes, that does sound a bit dramatic, but it is an actuality. If you don’t believe me, think back to a very difficult situation that you’ve recently experienced. I’ll bet the event was preceded by at least one warning sign you left ignored.
Action – Today, identify one situation you have been turning a blind eye to.
Do whatever is necessary to resolve the matter … before it turns in to something far more significant.
So Nancy can you read our minds when we sign up for your emails? 🙂 This is so very true and when you strive to never hurt someones feelings, you get the opposite effect. Putting off even the smallest things has always come back on me, especially when I have not spoken up for myself only to find that when I finally do it never comes out the way it should or could have if I had only addressed the small issues when I needed to.
Yes, indeed … I see all !!
Really, the fact of the matter is that many of the things people experience in life are very similar. We just sometimes think we are alone.
Maybe it is an unconscious need to change. When it’s too late it’s time to take an other way of life. Don’t be afraid – be aware on your own short time consciencely to build yourself. Life bless you don’t hurts it