True success almost always occurs after feelings of failure, just as dawn comes after night and spring after winter.
Why then do you beat yourself up, even though you know that “failure” is a natural process of growth and achievement?
Why do you stop when you totally understand success is often just a few action steps away from where you are now?
Only you know the exact answers to those questions. But I know that each of your answers will be firmly based in fear. Fear of success, fear of failure, of looking like an idiot, of additional responsibility, of feeling like a fraud, whatever – it’s just simple fear. The only thing that quiets fear is action.
Action – What are the next five steps you can take toward one of your long-lost goals?
Take those steps over the next five days. Just those. Then see how loud the fear is.
I have learned that FEAR in an Anagram. False Evidence Appearing Real. Once I discovered this, I learned to look at fear and challenge it.
That’s great Mike. And yes, F.E.A.R. is an excellent anagram. As is F.A.I.L. – First Attempt In Learning.