Office conflict erodes an organization’s ability to function properly.
I am frequently asked to advise and consult with leaders on ways to avoid or manage conflict. But what causes it?
There are several factors – here are just a few:
- Rotten communication – Our use of language has become so sloppy that while Bob is talking about one thing, Jane interprets it as another. They will never get on the same page as there is little common language.
- Values that clash – What is important to one person is not so important to another and our tolerance of this diversity is often very limited.
- Avoidance – We rarely go from getting along with each other to full blown conflict in the blink of an eye. There are often several opportunities to reduce the conflict but these are avoided through a lack of knowledge, confidence or concern.
Action – As a leader of people in your team or company, it falls to you to become familiar with the causes of conflict along with various ways to eliminate or minimize it’s effects. Take that responsibility seriously or face the consequences of lost productivity, incessant disruption and long-term low morale.