It’s not what you don’t know that’s stopping your success. It’s actually what you do know that’s getting in the way.

You see, you know that the guy down the hall gets all the good projects, don’t you?

And you know that Fred is smarter, Jane is faster and Frank is luckier. Bill is richer and Mary is classier.

And most importantly, you know that your life is hard – harder than most and more difficult that many.

Ok, are you getting my point yet?!

This type of so-called “knowledge” is actually nothing more than illusion and limited belief.

Yet, if you say “I know A” or “I know B,” then your brain will respond as if you are stating fact. So stop assuming what you “know.”

Action – Expand your vocabulary and use the right words to describe your assumptions and opinions. And as you do, I guarantee your confidence will grow too!

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