In my career, I’ve met many people in their 30’s and 40’s who have decided that they have achieved all they ever will. That is very sad because those same people are also disappointed and stuck in a rut. They believe all the naysayers around them as well as their own negative voice.

These quietly desperate people are the same ones Benjamin Franklin was referring to when he said “many people die at 25 but aren’t buried until they’re 75!

Action – The easiest way to bridge this 50 year gap between death and burial is to adopt a nature of what I call “light curiosity”.

To be light in this context is to not take things personally or too seriously. To actively and consciously find joy and laughter in every day. And when it’s not there, to make it.

To be curious is to create opportunities for discovery, whether about yourself, your career, the people around you or the world at large. To look forward, wondering what you will create and achieve next and to appreciate the journey along the way.

In Ben Franklin’s day, 75 was pretty darn old, but that is essentially middle-aged nowadays!

Imagine if you were one of those that spent 50, 60, 70 years or more, just waiting. What a waste!

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