When was your last big A-HA moment? I mean that time when suddenly everything became crystal clear and you knew exactly what and how to do something. And then you went off and did it.
Most people don’t have big a-ha moments. Sure, they have moments of awareness that feel good, but a true “a-ha” is something that knocks you off your feet and creates a radical permanent change of behavior.
Yet we believe that if we follow the gurus and their processes and do exactly as told, we’ll have what they have and our own lives will be radically changed.
But the longer you wait for the earth-shattering “a-ha”, the less likely you are to notice the many little moments of happiness and peace that occur each day.
Action – Start a daily A-HA list. Write out 3 new thoughts or perspectives that create a small shift in what you do each day.
This is a wonderful way to think of your day, be great in little ways and give yourself credit for the small stuff…it all adds up in the end.