There is no magic pill, no sudden leap, no instant success. Remember what the celebrities always say? Overnight success takes 10 years.

It’s time to stop thinking about instant success.

Persistent consistent action over time gives you the result you seek.

Now, I realize you may not like that idea and may well continue to resist it. But it’s a fact.

The longer you resist, the more difficulty you bring on to yourself. Just like it is a law of nature that a big oak tree grows 1 millimeter at a time, good becomes great little by little.

Action – What actions are you no longer taking because you’ve lost patience? What goal have you become frustrated by because it isn’t happening in the speedy timeframe you originally envisioned?

Today, take a deep breath and remind yourself that each action builds on the previous. AND that you must be patient to the process.

(If you choose to do nothing after reading this, that is your choice. But what will the consequences be? Leave your thoughts in the comments box.)

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