Yes, you really CAN have it all. Because, “having it all” depends on how you define the word “it”.
Most of us usually define “it” as wanting to be like someone else or to have what someone else has, somehow wrapped up in fame and fortune with everything presented on a silver platter. Of course we know we want “it” because “it” has been presented to us through the fantasy of TV, movies or lifestyle magazines.
The key to creating an ideal lifestyle is to fully understand your own “it”.
If you continue to let others define what “it” is, then you are NEVER going to have it all.
I have defined my “it” as doing the things I love – traveling, writing, nurturing important relationships, doing my work, and enjoying each day as it is. And everything else is someone else’s “it”!
Action – What’s on your “I Want It All” list? Write it down and then make the plan to make it happen.