Some people mistakenly believe this blog is only designed for small business owners and sales professionals. What they don’t realize is that anyone who is trying to manage their career is ALSO managing, in essence, a business and the sales process involved.
Your career IS a business. And, like every successful business, you must understand your product, package and pricing.
Your product is YOU. Who you are at the deepest value-based level. In other words, the person the organization works with. Now, you may say that some companies don’t care about the people they hire, and that may be true. But YOU do care and so you must build your career based on who you are and want to be.
To an organization, your skills, experience, strengths and weaknesses are the package. They want to know what you’ve got and how that might be a solution for them.
And as for pricing, part of managing your career is building the financial value of both the product and package so that both you and the companies you work with feel the benefits of a monetary exchange.
In other words, your career is made of selling the very best of you in a way that fits both you and an organization so that you both grow and benefit from the connection.
Action – What career plan do you have in place? And have you recently laid out in detail YOUR product, package and pricing?