It can be unnerving to think that someone at work is against us. We can become somewhat paranoid about why Bob seems to be sabotaging the project or that Jane is undermining our efforts behind our back.

Unfortunately, these things do happen sometimes.

But our own judgment of others actually clouds the reality of their behavior.

You see, most people are not out to get YOU, they are simply FOR themselves.

The undertone of a “cut throat” nature in business feeds our imaginations. We project on to others negative motivations to explain their actions. And so we jump to evil conclusions when anything goes wrong.

Yes, people can be very selfish. They can also manipulate, coerce and cajole. But more often than not, their desire to make a buck, build a reputation or create a legacy is actually positively intended. Its just that their actions are perhaps misguided or mismanaged.

Action – To reduce some of your own concerns about why others seem to do what they do to you, start by understanding they too have been taught to look out for number one – themselves.

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