The courageous actions of one military captain years ago changed the course of history. His one simple command motivated an entire army to win the war.

“Burn all of our ships in the harbor.”

This command gave a clear message to his men – ‘Do or die.’ Quite literally, there was no going back.

In some situations, a contingency plan is detrimental to your success. To overcome obstacles, you must dig in your heels, stand and fight. I’m referring to taking persistent consistent actions to achieve your goals.

Action – Think of a recent situation you retreated from. What contingency plan had you put into place, consciously or not? If you didn’t have an escape route, how might you have acted differently?

Reengage with the circumstances if you can. If not, learn from it for future reference.

6 Responses

  1. Oh how this one resonated with me today! I do have a situation going on right now that this completely convicted me about. Thanks for the kick in the pants today, Nancy!

  2. Awesome! Love these daily tid bits! By the way, I am been informed my third grandchild is on the way!

    Have a blessed day Nancy!

  3. The one and only captain of the history that I know; he has done this thing was Hernan Cortes. He was the Spanish conqueror of Mexico in 16th century. He was brave, intelligent and lucky man.
    I understand the message, the importance of having a contingency plan and also the importance of this plan does not move us to lose our way of our goal.

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