I felt pretty disappointed yesterday with how little work I got done. At the end of the day, there was still a pile of notes to be sorted, several emails to be answered and an incomplete proposal. And I had started the day with such great intentions!
As the work day drew to a close, I even started contemplating bringing some of the stuff home to get ahead of the game.
But then I realized what was going on. That negative voice in my head was playing the ‘should’ game.
- You should have done X instead of Y.
- You shouldn’t have squeezed that client call in to such a busy day.
- You should have been far more organized.
- You should be able to handle all this, after all you are an achievement specialist!
That voice doesn’t show up often anymore, but when she does … man, she packs a punch!
The key to achievement always starts with awareness. And my awareness of the false negative voice led to a new action, and that was to say this:
Doing my best is what I have to offer. Did I do my best?
And the answer was a resounding ‘Yes!’
Action – Cut yourself some slack by asking yourself that same question. If the true answer is ‘no’, then you will begin to see your self-sabotaging ways and can change them.
But I would suggest that 99% of the time, you ARE doing your best, and that is all anyone, including yourself, can ask for.
This piece resonates with me so much. I often hear that ‘should have’ voice when i’m wrapping things up at the end of the day. It is the same voice that tells me to skip lunch and eat at my desk, which I do on occasion, but make a definite effort not to make it a habit.
Thanks for the great reminder!