These days, work is supposed to be fast fast fast, busy busy busy. But if you ask most successful people one of their most important lessons, they’ll probably tell you it was actually learning how to slow down rather than speed up.
Haste brings waste. We lose opportunities, new options and intriguing solutions when we move too quickly. We spend time speeding around, chasing new clients or ideas, when a few moments of stillness and reflection are more likely to create the results we’re after.
Many of my clients come to me looking for ways to be more effective, productive or profitable. That’s all well and good, but they also want less stress, more downtime and a feeling of peace and fulfillment.
Ironically, these are not opposing goals, but some decisions need to be made.
Action – First, you will need to decide to disconnect your technology. Cellphones, PDAs and laptops really DO have ‘off’ buttons! Turn everything off for at least 15 minutes a day.
Next, during that 15 minutes, do nothing. No note-taking, brainstorming, or phone calls. Breath deep and relax. Let your mind take a break.
Finally before cranking everything up again, notice how you feel and acknowledge the value of stopping.
With practice, you will find these 15 minute mental health breaks to be some of the most effective, productive and profitable times of the day!