Why don’t people like your sales pitches? There are a myriad of biases and judgments that people bring to interactions that get in our way of persuading them.

One is known as the Status Quo Bias. I’m sure you are familiar with the status quo, particularly because it undoubtedly makes an appearance in your life too!

We do now what we have always done before. Why bother changing it, right? Even if it is not necessarily the most effective or productive way, it’s kinda working, so let’s just stick with the status quo.

In sales, your primary competition is NOT what the other guy is selling – it IS the status quo.

It is the fact that buyer Bob will most likely be drawn to a solution that confirms what he already knows. He will reject a proposal that tests his knowledge in any way that might expose his thinking to be false. And knowing THIS can help you influence his buying decision.

Action – What DOES Bob know? What similar buying experiences has he had in the past? What did he like and dislike about those experiences? What criteria did he use to make his decisions?

Uncover Bob’s knowledge, then use your own about your product or service to match Bob’s needs.

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