My hubby and I were up until the wee hours last night … or is it actually called “this morning”? In any event, it was worth our time, energy and effort because we managed to bust one of the brick walls that we have been bashing our heads against for quite some time.

You know what I’m talking about – those seemingly impassable blocks that prevent you from getting where you want to go. Those annoying obstacles that seem to repeat themselves over and over again. Those things that make your head sore!

In this case, it was a grumpy teenager who was refusing to do homework … again.

Creating success – whether that is getting past one of these blocks or building a business or sustaining a fulfilling career – isn’t always about the actions taken. Sometimes … most of the time actually  … it is about our underlying intentions. Are we trying to win? To make our own life easier? To manipulate? To just get to the end? Or our we intending something else?

Successful people become successful by being of service. By focusing on how to help. And by being patient enough to uncover the most appropriate help needed in the moment, which isn’t always apparent.

In a nutshell, our ‘service’ last night was in using our experience, compassion and awareness of the teenager’s angst to wait out the process. The boundaries were tested and retested but because we knew our highest level of service was to support the needs of the other for the long-term gain of all (rather than our short-term sleepiness), all three of us sensed a break-through.

When your primary intention is to serve, busting through the brick wall is often far faster and less painful!

One Response

  1. How well said. Being a firm believer in boundaries and the effort needed to maintain them, I initially found it difficult to navigate the rocks of teen rebellion by the shores of I Don’t Need Your Help Land. In the past an insistence and a helping hand seemed to conquer all. Now I must learn to ease off on the parental reins, hang back and watch the mistakes being made and soothe the hurt of self-recrimination without an ‘I warned you’. But it can be really tough you know? 🙂

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