I have often said that, if there is such a thing as reincarnation, I’d like to come back as a spoiled domestic cat. Like ours!
But as that is unlikely and/or a long way off, perhaps it is just as easy to learn the lessons she teaches us now –
· Investigate the dark places because they can be really interesting
· Match caution and curiosity instead of being just one or the other
· Find your physical or mental safe place just in case things go wrong
· Every day, change gets easier
· Be open to new possibilities
· Get plenty of sleep during stressful times
· Anything can be turned into a toy
· It’s okay to walk away sometimes
· The best place to nap is in the sunshine!
Yup, I want to come back as a cat!
I’d like to come back as myself again – the chance to do it all over would be great fun. I don’t know that I would change much but I would perhaps apply wisdom a little earlier in some areas and less wisdom, (Much much less), in others 🙂