I’ve had a ton of emails come in from people who are sharing their thoughts and opinions on the current situation regarding Covid-19. That’s understandable – people are saying things out loud which, for most of us (myself included) helps us work through our feelings and figure out our stance on something.
But I’ve not seen many people talk about what they are actually doing. So I wanted to take a quick moment to share with you how I’m responding to the situation.
1. I’m preparing for a new normal
I’m hearing people say “when things get back to normal”. Well, it is reasonable to believe that our way of being pre-Covid will not return. Not in the exact same way anyway. So, I’m positioning my work and my personal life for a new normal.
Together with my husband, we are revamping retirement plans, financial goals and long term planning for the family. We are tweaking our plans for holidays this summer and are looking at the things that matter most to us, as individuals and as a couple. And for myself, I’m spending a lot more time on self-care and self-development (more on that in a moment).
Regarding work, I’m having more enquiries for the “therapy” side of my Business Psychology expertise. My 1-1 work is mostly with legal professionals about building their business but other folks, from all walks and communities, have contacted me about “mindset mastery”. They want to know how to be more psychologically resilient, flexible and adaptable. They want new coping strategies and are recognizing the power of perspective, especially with the notion of “control”.
So, here are a few things I’m preparing for when things get to their new normal:
- I’m working on a new piece of “big content” for later this year, probably before the summer
- I’m improving some of the old content from The Morris Code vault and bringing it right up to date
- I’m improving my own systems and adjusting them in advance of the new normal
2. I’m learning new things
Lifelong learning has always been a big passion of mine. No matter what is happening in my business, I always dedicate weekly and/or monthly time to learning something new, both directly related to my work and also just for the fun of it. Given the bits of extra time I’ve got right now, I’m dedicating specific time to learning something brand new. Plus, this is going to be a new normal of mine. Instead of randomly giving time to it, I’m cutting out a full morning every week. No work, no family – just me and learning.
3. I’m giving back to my business community
In my own way, I’m sharing ideas, advice and guidance that I’ve learned over the years. While of course I’ve never dealt with a health pandemic before, my 20+ year business (and 15+ year legal career before that) has seen tremendous ups and downs caused by recession, market flips, my moving country and restarting, the bottom falling out of a particular market and so on.
(Hint – a key thing to remember for yourself right now is that you have also seen these times before. The big difference between then and now is that it is happening to all of us at the same time, en masse, rather than to individuals or businesses one at a time, quietly in the corner of a community).
So I’m spending a lot of time right now connecting with the greater community, hosting webinars and online seminars and offering parts of my TMC content for little or no fee to companies, organizations and communities who ask for it.
So, that’s how I’m responding to things.
Action – Now, I’d like to hear from you. How are you responding to the current situation? I’d really like to know. Leave a comment below or send me an email (nancy@nancymorris.com)