Recently I gave a presentation that knocked people’s socks off! Though my style was nothing new to me, it certainly was to my audience, particularly in a business context.
I spoke absolute truth. My truth. Everything I said was authentic and real. I spoke of unusual events, negative emotions and limiting behaviors. I shared stories of doubt, uncertainty and trepidation.
And by doing so, I touched just about every person in the room, particularly in a personal context.
The subject matter was about creating success. But had I not shared my own struggles and challenges, I would have simply sounded like a ra-ra cheerleader.
Action – In all your dealings, be as authentic, real and transparent as possible. People know it, want it, need it and follow it.
And they deserve nothing less.
Being authentic is what made my home sales buisness so successfull!!!!! My clients KNEW that I believed in what I was offering. This made it very easy to build my circle of clients.
A perfect example of being authentic Gale 🙂 So very important and something many pay little if any attention to.
In my experience, the “ra-ra” attitude can work to push people who are already on “your team” to give more for a short period of time, once you already have a game plan. It will not work well over time to motivate people.