Recently I gave a presentation that knocked people’s socks off! Though my style was nothing new to me, it certainly was to my audience, particularly in a business context.

I spoke absolute truth. My truth. Everything I said was authentic and real. I spoke of unusual events, negative emotions and limiting behaviors. I shared stories of doubt, uncertainty and trepidation.

And by doing so, I touched just about every person in the room, particularly in a personal context.

The subject matter was about creating success. But had I not shared my own struggles and challenges, I would have simply sounded like a ra-ra cheerleader.

Action – In all your dealings, be as authentic, real and transparent as possible. People know it, want it, need it and follow it.

And they deserve nothing less.

3 Responses

  1. Being authentic is what made my home sales buisness so successfull!!!!! My clients KNEW that I believed in what I was offering. This made it very easy to build my circle of clients.

    1. A perfect example of being authentic Gale 🙂 So very important and something many pay little if any attention to.

  2. In my experience, the “ra-ra” attitude can work to push people who are already on “your team” to give more for a short period of time, once you already have a game plan. It will not work well over time to motivate people.

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