I bought a lawnmower the other day.
That simple little act boosted my confidence again.
Yes, I know, it seems a little strange that purchasing a piece of equipment would have so much impact, so let me give you the back story.
For a couple of years, I have been dealing with a number of health issues. My mobility has been limited and my ability to work consistently was thrown out of whack. Several months ago, a lot of that began to improve, but I still have some residual problems. For one thing, my back often causes me a significant amount of pain which is, to put it mildly, debilitating at times. I have to be careful what I do.
We already have a gas mower. A big, clunky thing that requires a hefty yank on the cord to start the engine. Well, I cannot pull on that cord anymore and my husband has been so busy recently, he has not been able to attend to our lawn. Every day, through the window, I was looking at longer and longer blades of grass. As someone who is pretty independent and used to getting things done, this whole situation was causing me a lot of frustration.
So, I found a middle-ground solution. I bought a smaller, lighter weight electric mower. Just plug it in and it goes! It’s not ideal, but I can get the job done, which means I don’t feel stuck anymore, and it takes the pressure off my husband.
Action – Where do you feel stuck? What middle-ground solution would get you moving again and take away the frustration?