At the front of most books is a dedication section that is used to acknowledge and thank people who have contributed to the author’s creation.

Sometimes I wonder who I’d acknowledge in my own book.

Special people stand beside and behind us, often laboring on our behalf with little formal reward or expectation. Family, advisors and teachers. Spouses, professionals and colleagues. Very often, they tolerate our nuances of behavior, give a word of encouragement or event a kick of motivation. Or all of the above.

Action – Imagine you have just finished Volume 1 of your masterpiece. It’s ready for publication and the editor has asked you to complete your dedication page.

Write your acknowledgements in full, including what each person has contributed to your achievements. Then, if you can, send a copy to every single person on the page.

And see how wonderful you both feel.

(Who is the person at the top of your list and why? Please share by using the comments box.)

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