When I really dig into a client’s true wants, they are rarely wealth, toys or reputation. People actually have some pretty fundamental and common desires.
They are – A sense of freedom, peace and calm, laughter, love and security.
On the surface many people think big bucks, a fancy job or a smart wardrobe are the means to getting their wants met. Underneath, though, they generally know that this material stuff actually means nothing. They have, however, literally and figuratively bought into the notion that their happiness can be paid for.
Free, security, love, laughter, peace and calm are all choices to be made rather than things to acquire.
Freedom comes when you truly take responsibility for your thoughts and actions.
Security results from self-respect and trust.
Love is shared by yourself with yourself and others when you are open enough to both give and receive it.
Laughter is something you are born with. It is not long before a baby begins to giggle. It comes easy with a sense of awe and wonder and curiosity.
Peace is an internal state of being, a way to perceive the world even with all its turmoil.
And calm is an external way of being in the world, even if all around you is chaos.
Action – Take one of YOUR desires and brainstorm the choices you can make in order to feeeeeeel it.
Focus on the feelings and choices, not the next gadget or quick-fix.