Social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and personal blogs are all the rage these days. Each certainly has its positive purpose as either a personal or professional tool.
For myself, I have a presence in the online world using each of the tools I’ve mentioned and, one way or another, they have added a dimension to my business.
But if you are going to create an online identity, make sure you are committed, otherwise you run the risk of losing credibility and looking unprofessional.
Action – Before diving into social media, determine your purpose or strategy. And then decide if you are prepared to commit the time and energy to maintaining it.
If, after time, you are no longer signing on to update your presence, delete your subscription or remove the site entirely. Better to get rid of it than to let it grow old online.
Great reminder, Nancy – many thanks.
Thanks Nancy for encouraging and telling positive use of social media.
Thanks a lot. And I appreciate you to change my routine through daily update of simple sound solution.
It’s always great to see your name in the comment boxes, Rajeev, and to hear how the program is helping you.