Our memory helps us learn, create and communicate. Unfortunately, we have a tendency to remember negative events far more than the positive ones!

Yes, it takes conscious effort to recall those times in our past that can help us get through our present dilemmas but it is worth it.

I keep photos on my wall of the first day I went skydiving to remind me of just how brave I can be. While projects and deadlines today may “feel” like they’ll be the “death” of me if I fail, none has ever compared to very real possibilities I faced the day my parachute did not open properly!

So when I find myself nervous and procrastinating, I simply look at those photos and remember.

Action – Whatever challenges you may be facing now, you have most likely faced before. The context may be different but the content is similar.

And you obviously got through it then, so what did you learn that you can leverage now?

(Nope, that is not me in the picture. In fact, the only picture of me that exists shows this teeny tiny little dot on the far side of the farmer’s field – our landing site)

One Response

  1. How True! When I was working in Maldives and ventured out to learn Scuba Diving and had to go to open sea as a process. I called my parents to seek blessings and to inform that I am going to jump from the boat to open sea. Those diving pictures are very inspiring ones for me. I will put them on to my desk.

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