Ironically, one of the blocks to my own success has been my incessant desire for more and more information. Actually, that searching creates two blocks, one leading to the other.
The first block is a sensation of being “less than” when I think someone else has all the answers (which is impossible in and of itself anyway). “Less than” is not something I experience often (unless presented with the challenges of being the stepparent to teenagers) but when I do, I go on a frantic search for a solution.
This leads to the second block which is a feeling of overwhelm. All this data and fact takes up a lot of cognitive space and energy and often creates confusion.
Instead of just following my gut instinct and established knowledge, which have both been well informed by 50 years on this earth and innumerable experiences, I check and double check all the info I can find, slowing me down to almost to a standstill.
Of course, there are times when the critical analysis of information is quite important. But I’m talking about those times when a little voice of doubt gets far more volume than is needed in a given moment.
In those times, the most important thing I can do is shout back at the noise, reminding myself that I fully expect success. Telling myself that I have seen personal achievement so many times, I’ve lost count of it. Talking myself into a sense of belief and self-worth.
When you expect success, you achieve success. Expect anything less and that is what you will get.
It’s no coincidence that I’m reading this now, or that a colleague and I were speaking about this very topic yesterday. At times it seems that the qualities that have moved us into a successful working space are the same ones that can talk us back out of it! You nailed it Nancy. Thank you for articulating it so well!