Do you hear an inner voice say “I’m too old” whenever you think of doing something new? That gremlin knows very little about how your brain actually works!
More and more research confirms that engaging in new activities and learning new things stimulates the brain to create even more neural activity. General memory loss is not a natural byproduct of aging – it is caused by a lack of use!
One of my 57-year old clients decided he didn’t want to be a CEO anymore, so he became a writer—and a successful one at that! I know several people who have moved thousands of miles for a change of lifestyle and culture. I myself am working on my second university degree in my 40s.
Action – What would you like to do? What changes could you make?
Your inner voice of doubt is simply an indicator of some fear on your part. That fear, and that voice, CAN always be managed. Go after what you want!