One of the best ways to lighten your day, build confidence and get things done is to do feared things first (aka eat a frog). And after you’ve done a feared thing first, do an important but non-urgent thing next.
Before you even open up your email inbox or begin making phone calls, set aside 30 minutes to do something that specifically relates to a longer-term project. Draft part of next year’s business plan, read one chapter in a book, finish an administrative task or learn how to use a new system.
These important but non-urgent projects can impact your business in significant ways.
Action – If 30 minutes sounds like too much to give, allocate just 15 minutes a day to work on systems, administration, self-growth, or some other activity that will have a positive impact in the long term.
You will notice a positive benefit quickly (I guarantee it)!
This is next-level thinking! I love this idea and will implement it immediately. I’m sure you could confirm it since it seems likely your mind would be more receptive (after “frog consumption”)to the positive benefits of focusing on a project important to long term success.